There are many ways of cooking cod In Northern Spain, and this recipe is a very traditional one from Bilbao. The cod omelette is tasty and simple, and it’s an excellent source of protein as well.
Tag: spain
Classic recipe of liver with onions
“Liver with onions” is a classic in the families of practically all Latin American countries and Spain. This recipe is simple, fast and nutritious, and it also works with other offal cuts such as heart or kidney.
The secrets to prepare your ideal Andalusian gazpacho
This soup from South Spain is with no doubt one of the most famous in the world, and has the particularity that it’s served very cold. For this reason, a gazpacho is always a very tasty and refreshing starter for the summer. As the variations of this recipe are infinite, it’s important to learn the secrets that will allow us to prepare the ideal gazpacho according to our preference.
Learn to make a Flan like an expert
It’s usual to find in many countries different recipes that resemble the traditional flan, such as the French Creme brulée or the Catalan cream, which can have a different consistency by additionally adding egg yolks, cream, cornstarch, etc. But instead of listing many recipes, let’s start by explaining the basic method of preparing a flan.
How to prepare Galician-style octopus like in North Spain
Anyone who has visited Galicia knows a visit to a “pulpería” is a must, and here we will learn their classic recipe: pulpo a la gallga (Galician-style octopus). The preparation is quite simple, just few tricks have to be observed, and the only difficulty is learning to find the right point of cooking, the octopus should not be too hard or too soft.