Argentine tenderized flank steak with green onions (matambrito al verdeo)

This tenderized flank steak (matambre tiernizado) is a highly appreciated cut in Argentina, and this variant with green onions (scallions) competes in popularity with the flank steak pizza, another classic recipe. The sauce based on green onions and heavy cream is a very tasty accompaniment that pairs perfectly with the meat.

Argentine tenderized flank steak pizza (matambrito a la pizza)

This tenderized beef flank steak (matambre o matambrito tiernizado in Spanish) is one of the favorite dishes of Argentinians. Flank steak is the abdominal part of the cow, full of flavor but also quite fibrous. That’s why this cut requires certain specific knowledge to succeed with the cooking, but at the end of this article, you will know all the secrets to prepare it at home without any problem.

Super crispy and tasty Italian porchetta

Porchetta is originally prepared in rotisseries by boning and seasoning a whole pig, which is sewn completely and then baked for many hours over low heat. This heat allows all the fat to drain, until you get a super crispy exterior, as well as a lean and very tender interior. For this homemade version, pork breast with skin is used, with a fantastic result.

Greek beef and tomato stew (“moskhari kokkinisto”)

This recipe is a traditional Greek stew, and its translation means “reddened beef”. This name is due to the color that the tomato sauce gives to the dish. The meat is cooked for a long time over low heat with vegetables and tomato, until a bite is so tender that it can be cut with a spoon.

How to cook snails

For many people, snails surely seem exotic or even intimidating. However, they are highly appreciated in many Mediterranean countries, especially in Spain, France and Greece. If we buy already clean snails, their preparation is very simple and quick. Otherwise, we must observe certain previous steps, which are indicated here.

Navarra-style cod recipe (bacalao ajoarriero)

This cod recipe (“bacalao ajoarriero” in Spanish) is a fish stew associated with the Basque Country and Navarra, although many other regions of Spain have similar dishes. It is said that its origin is due to the muleteers who travelled by mule, hence its name. Like any traditional dish, there are countless variations, so we can do without some of the ingredients if desired.

Eggplant and meatballs kebab (“patlican kebabi”)

A popular Turkish recipe that is very easy to prepare. It’s only necessary to alternate the meatballs (köfte in Turkish) with the eggplant pieces on a tray. It’s then completed with other vegetables to taste, a little tomato is added and after an hour in the oven, the magic happens!

Neapolitan-style octopus (polpo alla luciana)

A traditional recipe from southern Italy, full of Mediterranean flavors, originally called “polpo alla luciana” in Italian. The name “Luciana” is not referred to a woman; it’s actually the demonym of Santa Lucia, a small coastal town near Naples.

Roasted pork knuckle in beer

The pork knuckle is a highly appreciated part for its pleasant and intense flavor. Whether with or without the skin that covers it, this cut requires quite a long cooking time so that the meat becomes tender. Among the many ways to cook it, a marinade in beer is an optimal choice to enhance a crispy and soft knuckle.

How to prepare “żurek” (traditional Polish soup)

“Żurek” is the Polish name of a traditional soup with a pleasantly sour taste. It’s called sometimes “white borscht,” although it actually has no relation to that beet soup. Its typically sour flavor is due to a fermented rye base, and it’s usually served with a white Polish sausage and a hard-boiled egg.